Dge ba'i blo gros

From Buddha-Nature

Gewai Lodrö
11th century
Gewai Lodrö was the name of a Tibetan who collaborated on the translation of several texts in the Tibetan canon. These included the Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra (D119) from the Chinese, in collaboration with Gyatso De (rgya mtsho'i sde) and a Chinese man whose name was Tibetanized as Wangpabzhun (wang phab zhun/zhwun). They likely worked from the earliest Chinese version (T374), translated around 421–432 by Dharmakṣema in the northern kingdom of Beiliang 北涼.

He appears to have been a close collaborator with Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna (982-1055?), as he is listed as the translator of some twelve of Atiśa's compositions, and co-translator with Atiśa on around eleven other texts. He also collaborated with Jānaśrībhadra, Buddhaśānti, and others.
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